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Whistleblower Policy

Effective Date: 1st July 2023

1. Introduction

1.1. The Media Planning Agency (MPA) and its divisions including MPA Digital and its divisions are committed to maintaining the highest standards of ethics and integrity in all aspects of its operations. This Whistleblower Policy is designed to provide employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and other stakeholders with a mechanism to report any concerns or misconduct within the organisation.

2. Scope and Applicability

2.1. This policy applies to all individuals who have a working relationship with MPA, including employees, contractors, suppliers, customers, and any other stakeholders.

3. Reporting Mechanism

3.1. MPA encourages individuals to report concerns, misconduct, unethical behaviour, fraud, or any other wrongdoing through the following channels:

a) Directly to their immediate supervisor or manager.

b) To the Whistleblower Reporting Officer, whose contact information shall be prominently displayed within the organisation.

4. Confidentiality and Non-Retaliation

4.1.MPA is committed to maintaining the confidentiality of whistleblowers to the extent permitted by law. Employees and stakeholders who report concerns in good faith will be protected from any form of retaliation or adverse employment actions as a result of their report.

5. Investigation Process

5.1. Reports will be promptly and thoroughly investigated by the designated Whistleblower Reporting Officer or an independent third party, as appropriate. Investigations will be conducted discreetly, and all parties involved will be treated fairly and impartially.

6. Reporting False Claims

6.1. Knowingly making false or malicious allegations may result in disciplinary action against the whistleblower, up to and including termination or legal action, where applicable.

7. Protection of Whistleblowers

7.1. MPA will take all reasonable steps to protect whistleblowers from retaliation, including but not limited to:

a) Implementing safeguards to ensure anonymity.

b) Monitoring for any signs of retaliation. c) Promptly addressing any retaliation claims and taking appropriate action.

8. Documentation and Record-Keeping

8.1. All reports and investigations related to whistleblowing will be documented and retained in accordance with applicable legal requirements and the company's record-keeping policies.

9. Review and Updates

9.1. This Whistleblower Policy will be reviewed annually or as needed to ensure its effectiveness and compliance with Australian laws and regulations.

10. Conclusion

10.1. The Media Planning Agency and its divisions including MPA Digital are committed to maintaining a culture of transparency and accountability. This Whistleblower Policy reaffirms our commitment to providing a safe and confidential means for individuals to report concerns and wrongdoing within the organisation.

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